مجلات آنلاین شعر جهان | مجلات آنلاین شعر جهان | مجلات آنلاین شعر جهان |
Abalone Moon | eSkylark | Poetic Monthly |
http://www.abalonemoon.com | www.skylarkpublications.co.uk | www.poetstage.com/poeticmonthly.htm |
Able Muse | Eye to the telescope | Poetry Express: Quarterly from Survivors’ Poetry |
http://www.ablemuse.com | http://eyetothetelescope.com/contribs.html | http://www.survivorspoetry.com/ |
Abridged | Fade | Poetry Kit Poetry Library Magazines Site |
www.abridgedonline.com | fadepoetryjournal.tumblr.com | http://www.poetrykit.org/#magazines |
Agnieszka’s Dowry | Falcon Editions | Poetry Matters : the Online Magazine from Tower Poetry |
http://asgp.org/agnieszka.html | http://www.falconeditions.com/ | http://www.towerpoetry.org.uk/poetry-matters |
Algebra of Owls | Fascicle | Poetry P F |
https://algebraofowls.com/ | http://fascicle.com/ | http://www.poetrypf.co.uk |
Allegro Poetry Magazine | Five Dials | Poetry Proper |
http://allegropoetry.org | http://www.fivedials.com/fivedials | www.poetryproper.blogspot.com |
Almost Island | Flea, The | PoetrySz (demystifying mental illness) |
http://almostisland.com/ | http://www.the-flea.com/ | http://www.poetrysz.net/ |
Amaryllis | Foame | Prac Crit |
http://www.amaryllispoetry.co.uk/ | http://www.foame.org/ | http://www.praccrit.com/ |
Anastomoo | Fox Chase Review | Proof |
http://www.anastomoo.com/ | www.foxchasereview.org | http://extra.shu.ac.uk/proof/ |
Ancient Heart Magazine | Free Verse: a journal of contemporary poetry & poetics | Pulsar |
http://ancientheartmagazine.blogspot.com/ | http://english.chass.ncsu.edu/freeverse/ | www.pulsarpoetry.com |
And Other Poems | Ginosko Literary Journal | Qualm |
https://andotherpoems.com/ | http://www.ginoskoliteraryjournal.com/ | www.qualm.co.uk/index.html |
Angle Journal of Poetry in English | Great Works | Readings: response and reactions to poetries |
http://anglepoetry.co.uk/ | http://www.greatworks.org.uk | http://www.bbk.ac.uk/readings/ |
Antiphon | H-ngm-n | Sentinel Poetry |
http://antiphon.org.uk/ | http://www.h-ngm-n.com/ | www.sentinelpoetry.org.uk |
Ardea | Harlequin, The | Shadowtrain |
www.ardea.org.uk | http://www.theharlequin.org/ | http://shadowtrain.com |
Areopagus | here/there:poetry | Signals Magazine |
www.areopagus.org.uk | http://here-there-poetry.co.uk/web/ | http://www.signalsmagazine.co.uk |
| Homeless Diamonds | Softblow |
Argotist Online, The | www.homelessdiamonds.org.uk/index.html | www.softblow.org |
www.argotistonline.co.uk | Ink Sweat & Tears | Southword Online |
Art Fist | http://www.inksweatandtears.co.uk/ | http://www.munsterlit.ie/Southword/issues_index.html |
http://www.artfist.org/ | Jacket 2 | Spine |
Asymptote | http://jacket2.org/ | http://www.spinewriters.com/ |
http://asymptotejournal.com/ | Jacket Magazine | Spit Journal |
Augustus Young Webzine | http://www.jacketmagazine.com | www.spitjournal.com |
http://www.augustusyoung.com/ | Junction Box | Spokes |
Bare Hands Poetry | http://glasfrynproject.org.uk/w/category/junction-box | www.simegen.com/writers/spokes/ |
http://barehandspoetry.tumblr.com/ | Kritya: a Journal of Poetry | Still: A Journal of Short Verse |
Blackbird (Virginia) | http://www.kritya.in/ | http://www.into.demon.co.uk |
http://www.blackbird.vcu.edu/ | Lake, The | Strange Poetry |
Blackbox Manifold | www.thelakepoetry.co.uk | https://strange-poetry.com/ |
http://www.manifold.group.shef.ac.uk/ | Likestarlings | Streetcake Magazine |
blart | http://likestarlings.com/ | http://www.streetcakemagazine.com/ |
http://blartmagazine.jimdo.com/ | Living Poets | Stride Magazine (archive) |
Blaze Vox | http://www.dragonheartpress.com/ | http://www.stridemagazine.co.uk |
http://www.blazevox.org/ | London Grip | Stride Magazine (current) |
Blue Jew Yorker: Culture of Survival and Ecstasy, The | http://londongrip.co.uk/category/poetry/ | http://stridemagazine.blogspot.co.uk/ |
http://www.bluejewyorker.com | Manifold Online Poetry Magazine | Sugar Mule |
Bow-Wow Shop, The | http://www.manifold.group.shef.ac.uk/ | http://www.sugarmule.com |
www.bowwowshop.org.uk | Manuscript | Symmetry Pebbles |
Buddhist Poetry Review | http://www.newwritingpartnership.org.uk/ | www.symmetrypebbles.com |
http://www.buddhistpoetryreview.com/ | Masthead Magazine | Thank You for Swallowing |
Caketrain | http://www.masthead.net.au | https://thankyouforswallowing.wordpress.com/ |
http://www.caketrain.org | Message in a Bottle | The Charles Carter |
Chapman (Scotland) | www.messageinabottlepoetrymagazine.com | www.thecharlescarter.com |
http://www.chapman-pub.co.uk/ | Miracle | The Scores |
Chimaera, The | http://miracleezine.wix.com/miracle-e-zine | http://thescores.org.uk |
http://www.the-chimaera.com | Missing Slate, The | Trespass |
Clear Poetry | http://www.themissingslate.com/ | http://www.trespassmagazine.co.uk/ |
https://clearpoetry.wordpress.com/ | Morphrog | Trumpet |
Conversation Papers, The | http://www.morphrog.com/ | http://www.poetryireland.ie/publications/trumpet/back-issues/ |
http://issuu.com/conversationpoetry | Muse, The | Uneven Floor |
Create | http://www.themuse.webs.com/ | http://unevenfloorpoetry.blogspot.co.uk/ |
http://issuu.com/artscouncilengland/docs/create_digital_singles_v1 | Neon Magazine | Unreal City |
Dead Ink | http://www.neonmagazine.co.uk/ | http://www.davidpascal.com/unrealcity/poetry.html |
http://deadinkbooks.com/ | New Linear Perspectives | Various Artists |
Dead King Magazine | http://newlinearperspectives.wordpress.com/ | Operates entirely by e-mail: variousartists986@gmail.com |
http://www.deadkingmag.com | Night & Day | Visual Verse |
Ditch Poetry | http://www.vintage-books.co.uk/nightandday/ | http://visualverse.org/ |
http://www.ditchpoetry.com/ | Noon: a journal of the short poem | Wild Court |
Do Not Look at the Sun | http://www.noonpoetry.com | http://wildcourt.co.uk |
http://www.donotlookatthesun.com | Nthposition | Wood Coin |
Ekleksographia | http://www.nthposition.com | http://www.woodcoin.net/ |
http://ekleksographia.ahadadabooks.com/ | Ol’ Chanty (formerly: Chanticleer Magazine) | Words without Borders |
Enigma | http://www.chanticleer-press.com/magazine.html | http://www.wordswithoutborders.org/ |
http://enigmamag.wordpress.com/ | onedit | Wow! |
Penniless Press | http://www.onedit.net/ | http://www.wordsontheweb.net/ |
http://www.pennilesspress.co.uk/ | Panic | YM: New Work in Poetry |
Poems In Which | http://homepages.which.net/~panic.brixtonpoetry/ | http://www.ympoetry.org |
www.poemsinwhich.wordpress.com | para-text | Poetic Hours |
poetandgeek.com | www.paratext.co.uk | http://poetichours.homestead.com/howdoesPHwork.html |
www.poetandgeek.com | | |
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